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Sewage Sludge (aka Sewage Biosolids)
The majority of U.S. sewage sludges, a by-product of wastewater treatment, are applied to land. There are risks and benefits associated with the nutrients, organic matter, chemical contaminants and pathogens they contain.

 Health and Safety
Materials address reports of illness from neighbors to some sludge application sites.
 Local, State and Federal Rules 
Materials include review, comment and recommendations concerning rules addressing land application of sludges.
 National Academy of Sciences Review

Materials include the 2002 report on land application of sewage sludges of the National Research Council (part of the National Academy of Sciences) as well as comments on EPA’s response to the report.

 Northeast Research Committee on Land  Application  
Materials summarize the work of a regional committee of faculty from universities in the northeastern U.S. including research summaries and publications.
 Risk Analysis and Research
Materials address the risks posed by land application sewage sludges as well as sludge research conducted by Cornell faculty.
 Use and Guidelines
Materials include guidance regarding the use of sewage sludges on farms and in home gardens.

Health and safety

Local, state and federal rules

National Academy of Sciences Review

Northeast Research Committee on Land Application

Risk analysis and research

Use and guidelines

Cornell Waste Management Institute © 2007
Soil and Crop Sciences
Bradfield Hall, Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
[email protected]
  Soil and Crop Sciences